Mar 27, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025
Student Council Annual Trip - Salt Lake City
Mar 28, 2025 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Youth Basketball Division III GAME - New Gym
Mar 28, 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Adult Ed: Community Weightlifting - Weight room
Mar 29, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Youth Basketball Division I & II - New Gym
We Proceed On!
As we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our amazing community for contributing to the success of the past year. The core values of pride, integrity, work ethic, empathy, and belonging that define our school are truly reflected in our strong network of parents, friends, family, community members, and local businesses. Thank you to everyone in Joliet for embodying these values and serving as role models for our students. Our efforts in the classroom are a genuine partnership between school and home.
The students and staff in Joliet are accomplishing amazing things. In May, we celebrated the graduation of an exceptional group of seniors who are now pursuing trade schools, engineering programs, collegiate athletics, entering the workforce, and exploring other exciting opportunities.
11 of our 12 classes are above the national average for their achievement in mathematics. 76% of our K-5 students are at or above grade level in reading. In math, 70% of K-5 are at grade level or above, a 5% improvement from last year. The Class of 2025 outpaced their Montana counterparts on the ACT with an average score of 19.6, compared to 19.3 across the state. There is always room to grow but our community should be incredibly proud of the academic work that is being done at Joliet Schools.
In May, Joliet voters approved the District’s ask for a building reserve levy to help fund the maintenance and improvements to our beautiful school. On behalf of the District, thank you for your support. Projects that will be immediately funded with the building reserve levy will include upgraded secure door access to the building, perimeter fencing on the playground, and the lease of a modular classroom to help alleviate overcrowding within the building. This past year, the District engaged in a number of meetings to help develop a long-term facilities master plan. That plan is now complete and adopted by the Board of Trustees. Please be on the lookout for updates regarding upcoming meetings that will be geared towards gathering community input regarding the next steps.
We continue to make efforts to bring to life the District’s mission statement that begins with, “in partnership with home and community.” At the District level, I am continuing to host Coffee with the Superintendent on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9am at the Community Center to discuss issues that are appearing on the monthly Board agenda. The Board of Trustees continues to hold regular committee meetings to discuss issues before they appear on the Board agenda. These meetings are open to the public and we hope to see you there. We encourage everyone to attend or stream all regular board and committee meetings on the District’s YouTube Channel to help stay apprised of all District happenings. At the building level, substitute teaching is a great way for parents and community members to get involved, support students, and gain awareness of what’s happening within our school. Finally, we have recently added a volunteer application form to our website for those looking to get involved in a more formal way. Contact your child’s Principal for more information on volunteer opportunities.
Our grit role models for the 2024-2025 school year are the folks that contributed to the The Lewis and Clark Expedition. Led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, this journey pushed the boundaries of exploration. In the face of harsh weather, treacherous terrains, and unforeseen challenges, the expedition members demonstrated unwavering determination and perseverance. Their ability to adapt to new environments, build relationships, and overcome significant obstacles showcases their grit. Their successful return not only expanded the nation’s understanding of the western territories but also set a powerful example of courage and tenacity. Today, Lewis and Clark serve as enduring role models, inspiring us to confront our challenges with resilience and a steadfast commitment to our goals.
We Proceed On!
Clark Begger, JPS Superintendent